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At Wildstyle & Tattoo Fair of April 2010 entitled "The Reunion of the Original" star guests like the U.S.A. tattoo legend Jack Rudy, Bernie Luther, Shinji Horizakura (Horitoshi Family), Mike Bellamy, Mick Tomo, Tattoos to the Max, Clayton Patterson (America´s Underground Reporter No.1), Steve Bonge & Billy Monroe (Beatniks CarClub), John Kamikaze - The Prince of Pain, Lucky Diamond Rich - Worlds most Tattooed Person were present.
Besides many star guests from all over the world more than 70 exhibitors from 15 different countries were part of the event.
Tattoos, Piercing, Extravagant Fashion, Bikerwear, Clubwear, Shoes, Jewellery, Accessoires, Lingerie, Headshop, CDs & DVDs, Computer Games, Indian Style, HotRod & Rockabilly Fashion, Skate & Funsport, Custombikes & Equipment and a lot more...