tattoo artists
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Wonderfully good times will be had by all attendees this year for our 32nd annual "family reunion". Come see some of the finest tattoo art available today and meet the legendary artists you've admired for so long. We will kick off this year's event with a motorcycle ride on Tuesday, April 12th (course to be determined by local weather), followed by a golf tournament on Wednesday, April 13th. Wednesday evening brings us the amazing art exhibitions by such tattoo luminaries as Jeff Gogue and Rich Ives. Thursday evening is our photo op get reacquainted welcome party and then on to Friday's activities which include many teaching seminars that will continue throughout the weekend, tattoo competitions and the awards banquet in the evening. Saturday and Sunday the tattoo booths open, and our doors are opened to the public, with the opportunity to receive beautiful tattoo art by some of the world's finest artists. Sunday night Apache Jil gets roasted, sure to be a colorful (to say the least) evening.