Capitol City Classic Tattoo Convention 2023
room Sacramento Convention Center
directions 26 14th St, 95814, Sacramento, Sacramento County
Capitol City Classic Tattoo Convention 2023
Over 200 Tattoo Artists from Around the World Coming to Sacramento for 3 days. Vendors, Contest, Seminars. After months of hard work, I’m pleased to announce that @royalpeacocktattooparlor will be throwing the @capcityclassictatcon in Sacramento May 19-21st 2023 at the Sacramento Convention Center. We will bring the best of the best, elite premier tattooing from all over the United States, Europe, Mexico, and Australia.
The SFO Tat Con was one of the best in the world and we were unfortunate when it ended. With that being said, we will continue the tradition of hosting a world-class tattoo super show in Northern California. Please follow @capcityclassictatcon For artist lists and event information.
– Capitol City Classic Tattoo Convention