Paradise Tattoo Gathering 2018
room Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort
directions 37 Corey Rd, 01237, Hancock, Berkshire County
Other editions

The Paradise Tattoo Gathering is an intimate tattoo convention hidden away in the hills of Western Massachusetts. It’s unique location allows some of the world’s most talented custom tattoo artists to ply their trade in a focused relaxed environment amongst nature and insure that the convention is filled exclusively with truly motivated lovers of the tattoo culture. Education, inspiration, and sharing responsibly is the primary focus of the event and theme of the weekend. Tattoo artists and apprentices learn by getting tattooed, watching many masters at work, and by the numerous educational seminars and panels taught by experts in the field of custom tattooing throughout the Gathering. The public can learn all about the very best that tattooing has to offer as they see true masterpieces being tattooed right in front of their eyes. The Paradise Tattoo Gathering is designed for custom tattoo artists, apprentices, apprentice hopefuls, amd tattoo collectors. Jiminy Peak is a unique location away from the hustle and bustle, a place filed with peace and quiet and serious custom tattooing. and an alpine slide. Thanks to everyone for 10 years of amazing support.
“School is fundamental boys and girls… For all of those who think they know it all, get out of the clouds. Every day one learns something new and this gathering is a great opportunity to learn and school yourself to be better. Think about it: Even the world’s best tattoo artists come to this event to catch up.” – Tony Romel Tattoo Society # 19
“If any of you do any show next year… attend this one, but expect to be challenged and humbled. It was incredible. Even the drunken talks in the pub at night were on a different level than anything else… well until Tom Strom and Brett from Pulse had a dance off… a true battle… Seriously, it was a true “convention” or gathering together of an unbelievable group of amazing artists, and people in general… go check out the paradise gathering website and plan on being there next year, if you got the balls big enough to let them be broken… It will kick your ass and leave you wanting more out of your life!” – Jeff Gogue