5th Nordic Ink Festival
room Arena Nord
directions Rimmens Alle 37, 9900, Frederikshavn, North Denmark Region
Other editions

Arena Nord in Frederikshavn welcomes you to the fifth edition of NORDIC INK FESTIVAL during the last weekend of October – the 23th – 25th October 2015. Our ambition remains unchanged: We want to host the cosiest tattoo convention in all of Scandinavia and we have already done so successfully for four years in a row. We have managed to tattoo NORDIC INK FESTIVAL into the hearts and minds of a large audience.
And we want to do it again – for the fifth time!
For three fantastic days, Arena Nord’s 7,000 sqm will provide the perfect setting for an amazing tattoo experience turning the spotlight on the noble craft that has shocked, outraged and fascinated people for centuries.
We hope that you are ready for the coziest tattoo convention of the year – Nordic Ink Festival.
FRIDAY OCT. 23th 2015
16.00: NORDIC INK FESTIVAL ‘15 Opens
16.00: Art Fusion live at stage
19.00 Best Art Fusion and auction
19.30: Live music
20.00: Best Weird Tattoo
21.00: Best Tattoo of the Day, Friday
22.00: Doors closes
22.00 After Party at Nordic Brew
24.00 After party closes
SATURDAY OCT. 24th 2015
12.00: Doors open
13.00: Best Feminine Tattoo
14.00: Best Old School Tattoo
15.00: Best New School Tattoo
16.30: Live music
17.00: Best Color Tattoo
18.00: Best Black and Grey Tattoo
19.00: Live music
20.00: The Best Nordic Tattoo Artist
21.00: Best Tattoo of the Day Saturday.
22.00: Doors closes
22.00 After Party at Nordic Ink
24.00: After Party closes
SUNDAY OCT. 25th 2015
10.00: Doors open
11.00: Best Oriental Tattoo
12.00: Best Realistic Tattoo
13.00: Best Cover-up Tattoo (remember photo of original tattoo).
14.00: Best Tattoo of the Day Sunday
15.00: Best Tattoo of the Show
16.00: NORDIC INK FESTIVAL ‘15 Closes