date_range MAR 01 - 03, 2024
2nd Cyan Tattoo Invitational
room Montgomery County Fairgrounds Events Center
directions 645 Infirmary Rd, 45417, Dayton, Montgomery County
The Cyan Tattoo Invitational 2024
Cyan Tattoo Invitational has invited some of the best talents the industry has to offer to create an event to showcase their craft. Along with their art, we look forward to enjoying the friendships, competition, and enthusiasts that make each gathering so much fun. An amazing lineup of some of the best tattoo artists in this country will be tattooing at our show! Book your appointment with your favorite artist, or just walk up to anyone with an opening!!
Top artists from around the world. Vendors include clothing, supplies, and art. Contest, awards, and door prizes. More is to be announced, including entertainment.