Tattoo studio:
"My story wasn't simple. A tattoo to represent the sudden loss of my boyfriend. Not knowing where to start, I simply talked to Bartt about Sam, our life, how unique he was, his belief in me and how special he will always be. I had some essential elements - a stylised basketball, as we didn't get to finish this tattoo for him. The serotonin and dopamine symbols, as we'd both finally found our happy. A dream catcher, as he was always telling me to Dream Crazy Beautiful and the colours were to be bright as possible and representative of rainbows. The design Bartt presented back to me was overwhelming at first because it was so beautiful. The perfect piece of artwork to honour Sam but also represent, growth, future and happiness." Thank You Amber it's been an honour.
- On Women
Uploaded by Tattoofilter 8 years ago, originally tattooed 8 years ago
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