Popular Yoga Tattoos to Add Meaning to Your Practice
From relaxing reminders to passionate declarations of faith, yoga tattoos are a popular way to add meaning to your practice
Inhale… And exhale! The blissful post-Savasana peace felt after a yoga class is a feeling we all wish could be bottled and taken with us throughout our day. However, the hectic pace of daily life has a habit of snapping us back into the rat race as soon as we step off our yoga mats. Yoga tattoos, be it a discreet mudra or a Sanskrit symbol, are a permanent reminder of our capacity for calm.
The Power of Yoga Tattoos
5000 years ago in Northern India, yoga was a sacred spiritual ritual practiced by a select few. Little by little, thanks to the spread of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism the practice of yoga began to take hold across the globe. Today, yoga has captivated the minds of thousands in their search for authentic calm and spiritual practice. Whether you do yoga in the sanctuary of your home or the calm surroundings of a studio, the benefits are the same.
Yoga tattoos are an aesthetic representation of two cultures colliding. East meets West. Yet, with every drop of ink permeating the skin, the ancient teachings of yoga are instilled within us, reminding us to breathe and recentre. Positive energy yoga tattoos are a visual reminder to embody the essence of yoga when we are off the mat. With each glance, our stress levels decrease. We are reminded to breathe correctly. Or, to remain in the present moment and move in flow with the universe. A yoga-inspired tattoo is also a reminder to remain consistent in our yoga practice and to show up each day as a valid member of the yoga community, even when we may not feel like it.
Yoga Tattoo Designs and Cultural Appropriation
Western yoga is based on three core principles: focus, balance, and strength. Yet the reality is that yoga originates from ancient spiritual teachings, deeply rooted in religion. Many of the popular yoga symbol tattoos draw inspiration from Sanskrit words and symbols, mudras, or Hindu deities, and should be treated with respect. Cultural appropriation occurs when a dominant culture borrows symbolism from a minority culture. In this case, the popularity of yoga tattoos is often greater than the collective knowledge of the rich traditions and meaning held in the symbols tattooed.
In Buddhist cultures, there is a big divide when it comes to tattoos. In Japan, small tattoos are considered to be fashion statements while larger ones signify involvement in mafia gangs. In many Buddhist countries, it is also illegal to have religious symbols such as an image of Buddha tattooed onto the human body and you can be arrested or deported if found. With so much sensitivity and cultural nuances surrounding yoga imagery, it is important to do your homework first before getting inked with yoga symbols. So, what is a yogi to do?
Choosing Meaningful Yoga Tattoo Designs
Mindfulness, the teaching at the core of your daily practice is the answer when choosing yoga tattoos. Take time to meditate on the symbols you are drawn to and ask yourself why. Before committing to permanent ink, why not experiment with yoga temporary tattoos and explore what feels right for you? Once decided on a design, spend time researching as much as possible about the symbol and its meaning within tattoo culture and the wider world. Ask yourself how someone dedicated to their faith may feel when they see you with that tattoo. Taking the time to reflect and to make mindful decisions will not only help you feel more comfortable with your choice of tattoo but also allow you to feel proud of your body art in years to come.
Tattoos for Yogis: Popular Designs For Your Next Ink
Whether you are looking to make a permanent commitment or are feeling inspired to get creative with temporary tattoos, these popular designs for yoga tattoos will leave all yoga enthusiasts feeling inspired. Take time to explore the most common yoga-inspired tattoos for spiritual growth and take note of the designs that stand out to you.
Lotus Flower Yoga Tattoo
A symbol of purity, the lotus flower highlights enlightenment and the journey of overcoming obstacles to reach spiritual awakening. It is a popular motif that holds deep significance in Hindu and Buddhist cultures. It represents the cycle where a pure white flower flourishes from murky ponds and the concept that beauty can rise from darkness. Those drawn to the lotus flower when looking for yoga tattoo ideas are seeking the courage to rise above challenges and grow into their higher self.
Mandala Yoga Tattoo
Mandalas, a gorgeous geometric pattern, are prevalent in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. As a popular motif in meditation, they represent the universe’s wholeness, unity, and perfection. Since all lines of the mandala meet in the center, a feeling of cosmic harmony radiates from this design. Often seen as a lotus flower in full bloom, mandala tattoos are used as a reminder to find inner harmony and balance in our hectic, daily lives.
Om Yoga Tattoo
The Om symbol is often chanted at the beginning and the end of a yoga class. Its sound is thought to echo the sound made when all of creation was born. A sacred emblem in Buddhist, Hindu, and Jainist cultures, Om is one of the symbols of dedication, representing the different states of awareness. From the unconscious slumber above to the conscious awakening below and the dream state - the dot positioned above the symbol represents Nirvana (elevated awareness). Attaining this blissful state requires traversing through the dash situated beneath it, which represents an open mind. The Om tattoo acts as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings and the universal energy that unites us.
Chakra Yoga Tattoo
When it comes to yoga and tattoos, the chakras are one of the most popular choices. The chakras represent the seven energy points within the body and when in balance, yogis believe that they promote harmony, healing, and an enlightened soul. From the vibrant red of the Root Chakra to the serene violet of the Crown Chakra, individuals choose these tattoos to symbolize balance, alignment, and the harmonious flow of energy. Yoga chakra tattoos are often placed in a line along the spine, mimicking the flow of the energy. Yet, a kundalini chakra tattoo will incorporate a serpent intertwined with the chakras to symbolize the awakening of tantric energy and a state of higher awareness and inner peace.
Tree of Life Yoga Tattoo
A beautiful and universal symbol found in many cultures, the Tree of Life represents the interconnectedness of all living beings. In the context of yoga, the tree of life is reflected in the virkshasana pose(tree pose) which implores the qualities of growth, strength, and the continuous cycle of renewal. A Tree of Life tattoo design is a lovely reminder to find spiritual awareness, balance, and harmony within oneself and the world.

Hamsa Yoga Tattoo
The hamsa hand yoga tattoo is a hand-shaped symbol known in Middle Eastern cultures as the hand of God. It is used as a protective, powerful symbol to ward off evil. It can be depicted in many forms with the most common being with a third eye in the center or with a yin-yang symbol in the center. By placing a third eye in the center of the hamsa tattoo design, it is thought that the divine is watching over you, bringing you good luck. Those drawn to the protective talisman of hamsa hand tattoos are being called upon to embody the principles of mindfulness and to ward off negativity by embracing the journey toward inner balance and tranquility.